The event took place from 11 to 13 June on the Greek island of Lesbos
The Cooperativa Sant Isidre of Juncosa in Les Garrigues has been awarded the Double Gold Medal at the fifth edition of the ATHENA International Olive Oil Competition, held 11 to 13 June at the Museum of Industrial Production of Olive Oil in Lesbos, for the high quality of its oil Les Cabanes. It is the fourth international prize won so far by the Co-op’s extra virgin olive oil in 2020 and joins the recent recognition obtained in New York at the New York International Olive Oil Competition held in May.
At the latest edition of the Greek competition, a total of 19 judges rated all the oils presented on a scale of 0 to 100, with a maximum possible score of 100 points. Thus, the oils which obtained the highest score, which oscillated between 95 and 100 points, were awarded the Double Gold Medal, as is the case of the oil Les Cabanes.
The ATHENA International Olive Oil Competition awards are designed to shine a spotlight on the symbolic importance of participation and the value of victory in a country which not only represents one of the world’s leading olive oil producers, but which is also the cradle of healthy rivalry and the Olympic ideal, the olive and the olive tree –according to Greek mythology, Athena planted the first olive tree in the Acropolis of Greece–.
With this new acknowledgement, the oil Les Cabanes has already accumulated 12 international awards over the last three years in spots as emblematic as Los Angeles, New York, Japan, Paris, China, London and now, Greece as well. Prizes which demonstrate the high quality of the oil Les Cabanes, a hand-picked, early-harvest oil, and which highlight the great labour of the Co-op’s members and workers.