
Our recommendation
For the 2013-2014 season as a novelty we present our organic extra virgin olive oil EcoCabanes, 100% Arbequina olives from organically grown and produced in our own mill Cooperative from Juncosa de Les Garrigues.
The launch of this new product is in response to the demands of a growing market and the consumption of organic products.
We are certified by the CCPAE (Catalan Council of Ecological Agricultural Production) is the controlling authority of organic products in Catalonia, the role of audit and certify organic food products from our zone.
Organic certification ensures that products have been produced according to the rules of organic farming, which have been controlled throughout the process of production, processing, packaging and marketing.
The CCPAE stamp guarantees consumers that the techniques used in organic farming are respectful with the environment and the people because restricts the use of synthetic chemicals (hormones, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) Therefore, organic agricultural products do not contain residues of these substances.
The main objective is to obtain the highest quality food. Certification is necessary to ensure that the system of organic production of food reaches the consumer with maximum guarantees.
Since 2010 was also included on the labels of organic products a European label called “Euroleaf” a new logo for organic production in the European Union, for the identification of organic products in Europe, around the European space will be a new stamp unique and required. European legislation have adapted to the evolution of the sector, in order to allow better identification by the consumer of organic products in under the EU rules on organic production.