The Cooperative of Juncosa, awarded a Gold Medal for the second year in a row at the 2020 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition - 100% Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra - Les Cabanes. Juncosa de les Garrigues

The Cooperative of Juncosa, awarded a Gold Medal for the second year in a row at the 2020 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition

Les Cabanes, an international prize-winning oil

The Sant Isidre Farmers’ Co-op in Juncosa has won the Gold Medal for the second year in a row at the 2020 New York International Olive Oil Competition for the quality of our oil Les Cabanes, produced from early-harvest arbequina olives.

At this year’s contest – held online the week of 9-11 May 2020 – a total of 900 samples of extra virgin olive oil were received, from which the oil Les Cabanes took home one of the gold medals. It should be remembered that this event is one of the most prestigious in the oil world, and its annual list of winners represents the authorised guide to the best oils in the world and the dedicated producers who create them.

At this eighth edition of the contest, the jury consisted of 17 judges from 9 different countries who selected winners from mono-varietal and mixed, organic and non-organic categories.

The constant effort made by all the members of the big Juncosa Cooperative family to put our extra virgin olive oil production on the map has been rewarded, throughout the years and up until now, by recognitions from some of the most well-known international competitions in the sector. A new prize to add to the ones obtained before in Paris, China, Japan, Los Angeles, London and New York City itself.

Awards that honour all the progress our Cooperative has made in our push towards quality and innovation, which form part of our members’ and employees’ philosophy of work.

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